Archive for 3月, 2013


マーチ・イン・マーチ March in March


マーチ・イン・マーチ2013March in March is an action carried out by migrant workers every year in March. The first time that migrant workers in Japan fought the traditional spring struggle to improve their working  conditions and secure their right was in March of 1993. That time was shoutly after the bubble economy ended.
Problems of workplace accidents and layoffs were happening one after the other to the so-called “dekasegi” migrant workers who had propped up the bubble economy. Every year in March since then, migrant workers have taken up the issues which were relevant at the time, and have brought forward an image of the conditions in Japanese society from their point of view.

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - 2013年3月6日 at 10:07 AM

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