アクセス Access
全国一般労働組合東京南部 / National Union of General Workers Tokyo Nambu
〒105-0014 東京都港区芝2-8-13 KITAハイム芝3F
Tokyo-to, Minato-ku, Shiba 2-8-13 KITA Heim 3rd Floor
TEL 03-6453-7858/FAX 03-6453-7857
都営地下鉄三田線 芝公園駅A1出口より徒歩2分
How get to Nambu office from Shibakoen station, Mita Line, Subway.
1. Come out of A1 exit at the station, 2. Go ahead 30 meters up the road and turn to the left at first corner.
3.You can find the building on next block left hand soon, the first floor is a luncher, we are third floor.
The JR Hamamatsu cho Station area also includes:
JR山手線、京浜東北線 浜松町駅 JR Yananote/Keihintohoku Line (Hamamatsucho Station)
都営浅草線 大門駅, Toei Asakusa Line (Daimon Station)
都営大江戸線 赤羽橋駅, Toei Oedo Line (Akabanebashi Station)
Location Map: